Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Winds of change...

The winds of change they are a blowin'! Let me catch you up on a few things...

1. If you aren't following MckMama's blog, but have read about Stellan here, I am extremely grateful to God to report that the little guy is back home with his family. He spent five weeks in two separate hospitals, was flown to the east coast for heart surgery, and his condition is now being controlled by oral meds. Praise God!

2. Baby girl lost both of her front teeth...she looks absolutely adorable. She lost them in the same week, and they are the first two teeth she has lost.

3. In this dismal economy I have been blessed enough to be hired for not one, but two great jobs. I left my job at the University to accept a job offer from the hospital that I had previously worked at for several years before I left work to raise my three babies. It is so great to back in a job that I truly enjoy. I was grateful for the job at the University, and the people I worked with there were really nice...but the work I did there was not really fulfilling, so when the opportunity came along at the hospital I knew I'd be foolish not to jump on it.

4. I have added music to my blog. Not really newsworthy, but it is a change. :0)

5. Spring has finally arrived to stay in Ohio. We had a beautiful, sunny weekend complete with temps in the 80's with zero humidity...the perfect weekend if you ask me.

6. My youngest boy had surgery again on his ear. They were not able to complete the reconstruction on his middle ear as planned, but have put in place a prosthetic spacer in hopes that during his next surgery he will be able to have the reconstruction done...if not, we will continue with his current hearing aid and allow him to make the decision when he is older whether or not he would like to have a baja device. It is a device that is permanently attached to his skull that will act and function as a sound conductor since he no longer has anything left in his middle ear. Since it is permanent and does affect how he looks (it looks like an Ipod shuffle permanently place on the back of his head), my husband and I didn't want to make that decision for him...he's only nine and his hearing is currently OK with the hearing aid he has...besides who knows what kind of advances will be made in medicine in another 10 years.

That about sums everything up...I know, I know, what an exciting life I lead, huh!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

To God be the GLORY!!!

Well, it seems from MckMama's post that baby Stellan is responding to his meds and has been in normal sinus rhythm all through the night and I do believe all of today. Praise God!!

Please continue to pray for this family and for the baby's recovery. Prayer is a powerful thing, people! God said all we had to do was ask...and literally people all over the globe are praying for this family. I am in awe of His greatness!

Good night!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Poem

My youngest son was asked to write a poem last week at school. (A little background on baby boy...he HATES to write. about. anything!!! I was digging through his backpack this morning, (which I must admit I should probably do more often) and I came across this (verbatim):

I Will Not Eat a Peach

I'd never eat a peach, because

I cannot stand the taste.

I'd rather eat a plate,

or shoe, or chair.

I would eat a house,

I would eat a bowl,

I would eat a tool,

I might even eat a baseball bat,

but a peach? No! Not at all.

Sooooo this is what passes for poetry in the third grade. I told him I liked it, and he said that was nice because his teacher didn't. What??? Why on earth not?? He said it was supposed to rhyme....ahhhh, well clearly then he didn't meet her expectations.

Who knew my baby boy had such a strong dislike of peaches? I put them in fruit salad sometimes, and he eats them without complaining. When I mentioned this to him, he said "no, you don't! there's nothing hairy in fruit salad." Um, excuse me? Hairy? I know peaches have a little fuzz (and I do peel the peaches I put in fruit salad)....but I would never describe them as "hairy"!

I have to admit I was completely tempted to make peach cobbler tonight just to test his strong dislike....but no matter how tempted I was~ laziness won out. :0) Instead I stopped and picked up Chinese takeout after work and busted out the Little Debbie Easter cakes I had hidden in the cupboard. I know kinda sounds gross....but the kids didn't dig into the Little Debbie's until well after they finished their Chinese.

Please keep praying for Stellan if you feel led to do so! He was to receive a blood transfusion today and he continues to fluctuate in and out of SVT (supra ventricular tachycardia - really, really fast heart rhythm.)

Well, there is a pile of dirty laundry callin' my I better get busy!