Well, after many hours of sewing...including getting up at 5:00 a.m. this morning to make the attached pettiskirt. Baby Girl had a euro twirl skirt to wear on this beautiful day. I will try and get a good pic soon and post it ... just in case there is anyone actually reading this and would like to take a look. It is only the second one I've made, and they are so much work. . . but it is totally worth it. She looked great!
It was a beautiful day today. Indian Summer has arrived and looks to stay through all next week, which will be welcome. I have a busy day tomorrow - including a day out with my best friend. We are going to a fabulous spa/salon to have our hair done, lunch out, and then a lot of shopping and of course - STARBUCKS!! I live in a rural area, and we do not have a Starbucks within an hour of home - unless you count one that is located in the area hospital, but it isn't a "real" Starbucks. I really would like to have one with a drive thru - in the cornfield next to our house. I know, I know - it's never going to happen, but a girl can dream. But seriously, one within a 20 minute drive, and a drive thru...it must have a drive-thru!! We have a two hour drive to the salon / shopping, so I need to get crackin' on the laundry and then off to bed so that I'm ready for the big day. I haven't been on a girls only trip without our daughters in over a year - I'm excited and soooooo ready! Mom & Dad, if you are reading this - thanks for the birthday money, I really do appreciate it!!
1 week ago